Année universitaire 2007-2008
Jeudi 14 février 2008 :
Christophe GEUZAINE
(Liège, Belgique)
Solveurs équations intégrales en haute fréquence pour
des problèmes de diffraction acoustique et électromagnétique.
High-Frequency Integral Equation Solvers for Acoustic and
Electromagnetic Scattering Problems.
Current state-of-the-art algorithms for the solution of acoustic and
electromagnetic scattering problems are limited by the competing demands
of accuracy, which typically requires an increasing number of degrees of
freedom to resolve the solution on the scale of a wavelength, and
efficiency, which favors coarse discretizations. In this talk we will
present high-frequency integral equation solvers that successfully deal
with these requirements by avoiding the need to discretize on the scale
of the wavelength at high-frequencies, while retaining
error-controllability and high-order convergence characteristics.