Année universitaire 2010-2011
Jeudi 17 mars 2011 :
Dieter BOTHE
(Center of Smart Interfaces, Technical University Darmstadt, Germany)
Mathematical modeling of reactive multicomponent fluid systems.
We derive thermo-fluid-mechanical models for chemically reacting viscous
fluid mixtures, based on rational thermodynamics. For this purpose, the
resulting fundamental model - consisting of individual component balances
for mass, momentum and energy - is simplified in a rigorous manner using
scale separation. We consider also the special case of non-reactive
mixtures where we obtain a model which we call the
Navier-Stokes-Maxell-Stefan system. In the isobaric and isothermal case
this is further specialized to the Maxell-Stefan equations. This system
has nice mathematical properties which we will also briefly discuss.