Année universitaire 2012-2013
Jeudi 27 juin 2013 :
Benjamin STAMM
(LJLL, Université Paris 6) — Bibliothèque de l'IRMAR, 8ème étage
La Methode des Bases Réduites et son application aux problèmes de diffraction des ondes électromagnétiques.
We start with presenting parametrized electromagnetic scattering problems of perfect electric conductors (PEC-scattering) before we introduce the Reduced Basis Method (RBM) to solve such problems in a many-query context. The RBM is a completion to existing well-established techniques for PEC-scattering, and parametrized problems in general, to compute the Radar Cross Section (RCS) for many wave-numbers, directions of incident plane waves and polarizations.
We return to the PEC-scattering framework and present some numerical examples thereof and finish by a brief overview on how we tackled the multiple scattering problem in a parametrized setting.