Année universitaire 2014-2015

Jeudi 13 novembre 2014 : Nao Hamamuki (Waseda University, Tokyo)
Hamilton-Jacobi equations with discontinuous source terms.

We study the initial-value problem for a Hamilton-Jacobi equation whose Hamiltonian is discontinuous with respect to space variables. Our motivation comes from the two dimensional nucleation in crystal growth phenomena. The associated equation is nonlinear and has a semicontinuous source term, but, because of the discontinuity, solutions are not unique even in Ishii's sense of viscosity solutions. To overcome this issue, we introduce a new notion of viscosity solutions and prove that the initial-value problem admits a unique global-in-time solution. We also give a representation formula of the solution as a value function of the optimal control problem with a semicontinuous running cost function. Moreover, we discuss the large time behavior of the solution via the scaling method.