Année universitaire 2016-2017

Jeudi 15 septembre 2016
Daniele BOFFI (Dipartimento di Matematica "F. Casorati", Università di Pavia, Italie)
A posteriori error analysis for the Maxwell eigenvalue problem

A posteriori error analysis for eigenvalue problems raises interesting questions, which have received partial answers only recently.
A fundamental issue concerns how to design adaptive schemes for the approximation of multiple eigenvalues or when clusters of eigenvalues are present. The convergence and quasi-optimality of the adaptive approximation of the Laplace eigenvalue problem in mixed form has been recently studied (joint work with D. Gallist, F. Gardini, and L. Gastaldi). The analysis is cluster robust and makes use of standard finite element schemes based on Raviart-Thomas element in two and three space dimensions. The equivalence with a suitable eigenvalue problem in mixed form suggests how to extend the result from mixed Laplacian to the Maxwell eigenvalue problem (joint work with L. Gastaldi, R.  Rodriguez, and I. Sebestova).